Men With This Face Type Are Easy To Cheat

Hey, erratic eyes, it’s time to get your ruler out. Because you may be the main cheating material.

The new research of this magazineSexual Behavior DocumentResearch shows that men with wider faces(FWHR) also have higher sexual desire, which in turn is easy to cheat. Yes, little angel and dish face, we are looking at you.

We can see many paranoid partners running for their measuring equipment, but it is important to emphasize that these results come from two independent studies. Researchers from Nephew University, Simon Fraser University, Northern Ontario Medical School and the University of Ottawa also participated in the investigation of this amazing phenomenon. The first study recruited 145 heterosexual students. 69 men and 76 women were in love. Then, before the subjects completed the performance driven questionnaire, they measured the face size according to the detailed facial photos.

From this point, the researchers calculated the distance FWHR between the upper lip and eyebrow, and the results showed that both men and women with high FWHR scores admitted to having high sexual impulses.

In the second study, 314 subjects from independent Canadian universities received the same test, but this time a questionnaire was added to measure their attitudes towards the themes of infidelity and cheating. The new results demonstrate the same correlation between high libido and FWHR. There is a close relationship between high FHWR and unrestricted social behavior(that is, interest in random behavior and less attention to sexual behavior with limited relationships). Oh, I have more intention to cheat on other men(such as team, brother, boy or wolf).

although scientific analysis between these absurd allegations is not straightforward, according to researchers, your facial structureMaybeWhen the human subject is a fetus, it is in an important period of development, just like the symbol of hormone exposure.

More interestingly, the brain behind this study highlights the previous data. Once exposed to male hormones(such as testosterone and other sex hormones), the study studies the impact of more aggressive and dominant behaviors and male characteristics(such as stronger cheekbones).

What is their conclusion? A wider face means higher male hormone exposure, on the contrary, it means greater sexual impulse and fraud tendency.

Now look at your partner.

relevant: According to science, why do cheaters never really stop cheating

[Approved by Forbes]