An Australian Male Escort Talked About How To Get Better In Bed Immediately.

although porn devours our brains like meat eating Transformers, fundamentally(pun) true sexual satisfaction is never about appearance, but about feeling(why do you think American psychotics never take off the stone?)

It can be fun to be with someone. Because there are Kardashi gluteus or Hemsworth biceps. But in fact, the serotonin stimulation produced by people who respect or revere(on the contrary) and emotions can really make people feel excited.

This is why almost no one gets long-term satisfaction from paying for the “company”. When there is nothing behind the body, there will be a feeling of emptiness(unless you get the value of life from the bank balance, a can of heating will bring a series of different problems).

This is part of the reason why male bodyguard Mickey Larsen is so popular. In addition to the importance and appearance of sexual emotion, he has many things that can add charm to someone.

As he told reporters on the podcast “Bed with Samantha X” recently, he always carries Viagra, but the escort becomes “Mrs.” Samantha X. “It cannot work alone.”

At the beginning, I need to wake up. Part of the job is to find something from your spouse that can wake you up: physically, mentally, or in their life stories. The necessary ability to work is to listen to and discover the beauty of your spouse.

Good example: Mitch was once employed by a 73 year old “beautiful and warm woman”. She is a “very elegant, very beautiful, very successful female entrepreneur” and “has a lot of energy and wisdom.”

“Her husband died a few years ago. They haven’t done anything for 10 years. She should spend more time with her, but she may need sex.”

What is their time related to? According to Mickey, “Dance, hold, waltz.”

“Sex took so long, but not so long. She would prefer a man in bed.”

Mickey shared that the experience cost for this night was “3800 dollars”.

Therefore, the life of “D is the dial” is often exaggerated. Because Hollywood deals with old ideas, many people believe that the world where men work is more attractive or transactional than it is. The truth is often in the middle.

Providing “goods” is not only a male guard, but also requires a lot of emotional labor to live a long life in the game. But before we get ahead: How did Mitch Larsen become a guard?

Just like he told Samantha, “One of my girlfriends suddenly remembered this sentence when commenting on the sexy energy I emitted, which also surprised me.”

“This is when I was 41. I am 44 now.”

“Before that, I had held various sales positions. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., I was a company employee. I temporarily held a legal position. My ex boyfriend told my son that she didn’t like working from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. When she was working, she decided to be the main nurse and set up a photography company. Then suddenly Things come to mind. ”

Samantha then asked, “Can you do really well in bed?” Mickey said. Yes, it must be.

He explained that before he began to be an escort, he was not necessarily famous for lying in bed. He had been married for nine years before starting his career. Before that, he had several “flirting” one night stands, but there was no craziness.

Mickey recalled the following about his previous experiences. “When I was still married, I had been advertising for a week and hid the guy. I received a text message from a friend in advance. He wanted to hire me as a friend an hour away. He gave them a chance to chat and know me. He gave them a phone call. At the other end of the phone was a girl giggling in the room.” »

“Put him in and say, ‘Dad goes to work’… The partner has supported him from the beginning and knows(the nature of the work)”.

“Jump into the car, opened the door for an hour, and knocked at the door of the motel. It looked very dangerous. A lovely young woman had acne. Everything was beautiful. When I opened the door, my body was trembling. I could not speak, but could only squeak at me. Great.”

“I soon knew that I should comfort her and calm her down. So I instinctively grabbed her and hugged her until her nerves were stable. I stroked her hair and said,” Everything will be fine. “I didn’t want to push her to any extent. I just said,” We need to do everything. ” There is no yoga. “Relax”. We hugged and kissed for a while. And, you know, we had good sex. “Actually.”

When asked how this trend works, he replied: “I usually control everything. People are nervous when they see me, so they can’t take the first step. They are sometimes not sure whether this is the right way. So I suggest they kiss me. Once they kiss, it is easy for everyone to realize where they are and where they started All “.

“Sometimes I say, ‘Do you have a chance to undress?’ Remind them that I will wait for them there.”

He also shared Samantha’s early horror story: “I really don’t like being treated like meat.”

“Once I went to a person’s home, and she basically didn’t pay me the ‘hug fee’. I paid for the chicken feet. ‘She is also washing the chicken feet.’ It’s enough to say that Mickey didn’t participate, which shortens my experience.”

I said, “Listen, I think I’ll go home soon. Why don’t I give you back the x dollar? We’ll use it for a better experience next time.”

Mickey also shared some things that he hoped other men would know about women.

Surprisingly, women’s desire is how to control their desire to speak.

If they say, “Do you really want to tell me what I like?” It’s very frustrating, but it’s not too surprising.

“How else can we have a really good sex life?”

“Women want to be sexy and sexy. They want to be wanted. They want to make the people they are with happy. But when they see the people they are with, they really enjoy being with them. Nothing is more important than that. Being loved and appreciated.”

Lorenzo, who shares this idea, is an active male guardian and the CEO of a Gentleman Caller, an Australian protection agency. He once said: “90% of men in the protection industry are related to companionship.”

Relationships: good sex – how to define successful relationships

But back to Mickey – about feelings – his advice to a man with a long relationship is: “A big ‘no’ will become complacent and lazy.” What do you think of Hun? ”

“Be a sensitive lover. Be honest. Don’t become a porn star or anything else and shout about how happy you are.”

Really cherish and worship their whole bodies, touch their heads, kiss their faces, kiss their necks

“Manage well and take care of yourself below.”

“Trying to manipulate them to do things they generally hate – things they hate.”

On the other hand, if a man comes, you think it’s over.

“Don’t just go out and take a bath. Stay there and enjoy what has just happened and what she has done for you.”

Communication – Set feelings by asking her what she likes, but read what is happening, so don’t do too much.

Interested? The following are the hot facts of Mickey’s interview.

  • The average age of his customers is 48 years old, but it varies from 40 to 50 years old(some customers are in their 30s and 70s).
  • No disguise. As they grow older, they know what they want.
  • “Quality does not age.”
  • Mickey offers a minimum reservation of 2 hours($800).
  • It is “uncommon” for a married woman to make an appointment without her husband’s knowledge
  • He loves his clients, but “this is not the emotional way of long-term investment”. Mickey said to him, “Love is infinite.” There is no reason to be limited to one partner.