The Dry Spell Taught Me My Last Name

I come from the other side. Yes, friends: I just had sex.

Sex is fun. When you have more, you won’t think too much. But when you don’t have it at all, it seems that you can think of it. Every time you pass someone on the street, you wonder if they are having sex. Are they thinking about sex? When was the last time I had sex with the abacus of my trading aid(lovely woman)? You saw a movie. When someone makes love, or even mentions the pure idea of making love, it is a personal attack on you for having less sex. I mean, she will die before the end of the film. Why don’t you go to bed?

Am I the only person in America who doesn’t have sex now?

Everybody, this is what we call the dryer. I have experienced it several times a day. Since I was single, Tinder has not provided it to me. Before I fell in love, my spouse’s sexual desire was significantly lower than mine. A lot of reasons and circumstances have led to my sexual exhaustion. But you didn’t come here. I came to understand how you felt when you were relieved from the huge weight that you hadn’t gotten out of bed for a long time.

Finally got rid of my boredom. I am here to share all my thoughts and what I learned during this period.

Pornography is a bit boring.

Like any normal person, I started to send my dryer in self-defence. Although I don’t need porn, I watch it because I like it. But after enough time, it is no longer interesting. I saw all the stories. Pornography used to make me laugh. Now I can’t feel anything.

OK, but the vibrator is crazy recently.

I don’t need a partner for sex. Today’s popular vibrators on the market remind people that women are the priority, and another person is not a necessity for entertainment. Two minutes with a satisfied person, I will forget the existence of men. The woman in the dryer, you meet your opponent. Let’s have a new atmosphere. Why not? Forget Paris. A new vibrator is always a good idea.

Did my people in Bumble see it?

It’s official: I’ve seen all the straight men in my city. No wonder they don’t want to have sex with methereforeIf you are consistent with people who live in the suburbs for an hour’s drive, will something serious happen? I have no objection.

It’s easy to text my ex-wife.

But I can’t. Look, my predecessor is not your ordinary playboy(even if you are, please accept my advice). I experienced abusive relationships mentally, physically and for two years, which led to my intense psychological relationship with sex. I began to see sex as a way of making up after an explosive argument. It’s the way he shows me that he loves me. Because he let me know he didn’t love me. I can send him a message now and know that he will come soon. I will be in a good mood for 10 minutes. But I will be in a bad mood in the next few weeks. I began to tell myself that having sex with him would not cure my dry period, but would only let me stay longer. Making love to him is not sex or pleasure. This is self destruction. Disclosure hint: I haven’t sent him a text message, come on!

How can I talk to a man again?

I never talk well with men. I grew up like two boyfriends. Because they are flirting and sexy. Or I tell them the awkward moment when I climbed home from the school bus. Because a child kicked my paw.(Funny stories, I hope I can get a lot of marks with them.) It is open or closed, lacks regular practice, and becomes worse. Do you want to go out with my friends?? Because I would rather die than call this guy out alone. You would think that this would reduce your fear of being rejected for a period of drought. Because I will lose something. On the contrary, the situation is just the opposite. The little heart can no longer bear beating, so I will always be in my foam.

The evening… was terrible.

Ah, I wanted to go home, so I lay on the sofa for three hours, ate sun potato chips, and waved to people who didn’t want to have sex with me! rivet joint

Terrible “So, is there a new Bumble date?”

I have nothing to say about this problem. For several months, the closest thing I’ve been to action is that when a person leans against my desk to catch salt, he goes home and thinks about it for about an hour. My friends began to say that I might need to join Sing. I want to hide forever. Hello, FBI, how can you do this?

Hey, I saved a lot of money on Youves.

Go to visit the bastard who lives outside the railway station at 2 am.(This is roughly equivalent to a 12 dollar avocado. Yes, grass. I can’t satisfy these guys anymore. So I’m late.)

Will I get sick without sex?

I read a report that regular sex can improve your immune system to fight against the virus… So I’m sure that no one has sex with me now, so the risk of novel coronavirus infection is higher* Now I wash my hands every hour for a full minute*

Ah, I feel very unpopular.

Just feel ugly is one thing. I don’t think I’m beautiful or attractive. No one wants you sexually in a completely different way. No one on earth seems to want to sleep or fantasize with you. Sex may be just for fun and catharsis, but if you think we’re neither intimate nor attractive, it’s a joke. Not having sex is a way to make people feel unattractive.

But it doesn’t have to be so linear.

When you don’t have sex, you have time to think. So after a night of self loathing and drinking in the bathtub, I thought better. This is Taylor Swift’s “Dear John”. I laugh at myself. Just because someone doesn’t make love with me every night(you know, even if it’s boring once a month…), it’s not my destiny to be single forever. Just because someone isn’t having sex with me doesn’t mean nobody thinks I’m attractive.

Wolf, I made love.

In an interview in 2010, Kevin Jonas(the real subject matter expert) had his first idea after his first sex: “Is it true?” “. Although it is not so boring, it reminds us of something. First, it’s worth waiting for good sex. But this is not the way to solve the problem. I didn’t have sex, but it soon became hot and dangerous. Sex is not the solution. It can improve your self-confidence, but it won’t make you fall in love with yourself. All the uneasiness and self doubt that occurred during the drought will not magically disappear; they just surfaced. Because you didn’t cover them up with orgasm and pillow conversation in reg.

Castle is one of my greatest joys on earth, probably second only to Hannah Li and soda(especially when mixed with vodka). But after the recent boring period, in order to feel confident and sexy, I put a lot of weight into sex and opened my eyes wide. After sex, I realized that I was still unwelcome. I still want to send a text message to my abusive predecessor. I still feel lonely. Sex has nothing to do with sex at first, so it won’t let all these thoughts disappear. My body shape, past emotional trauma and loneliness are issues I need to deal with beyond sexual health. I can have crazy sex. I will feel all these until they are specifically solved. Hello, therapist? it’s me.

Now we wait again.

I had sex about two weeks ago(hahaha, someone is counting!!), Then the dryer behavior starts again. First of all: please buy a new vibrator!

That’s it

When I realized it, I began to realize that I was not alone. Whether in love or single, everyone has a period of boredom. If you are reading this article, I will assume that your hands also have dry time.(Or just read sympathetically, because you’ve been there before.) This doesn’t mean that I thought of something negative a few weeks ago. It just means I haven’t had sex with anyone! It will not last forever. Eventually, you will have the same understanding. For me, life is made up of dozens of dryers one after another. Let’s buy so many sex toys.