How Can We Get A Beautiful Marriage Instead Of Watching It On TV?
For many years, during Christmas, my wife has been watching the Hallmark Channel. Like most men, I don’t know what the greatest charm is. I have never participated. But I like my wife. I like to be with her. So I finally gave in. I watched Holmark’s film with her and saw what the farce was like. First of all, yes. All films basically have the same plot. And that’s it. They like the dreamlike wedding scenes very much.
But when I started watching, I knew why they were so popular. The film describes the real relationship between people.desireThey have. Passion, adventure, honesty, dedicationI’m very happy.ending. People care about what they want, but have they been actively trying to live a truly happy life? Those movies remind me of the person I used to be and what my marriage needs. Not because of the danger, but because of not watching on TV, but in a beautiful marriage, life will become better.
Share common dreams.
Do you have the same dream for the future, or are you and your wife on a completely different page? Both of you should commit and agree on your own direction. Temporarily plan to discuss your dreams openly and seriously, write them down, and find common ground in all aspects of life. Including financial affairs, parents, majors and relationships. Create a map to share your dreams.
Embrace your stage.
We can do nothing about the past but plan for the future. But we are living now. For us, today is about to face an empty nest, which will bring about transformation. for you? Maybe you are in the dirty stage of diapers, never sleeping stage, or the popular stage of 14 years old. When you are waiting for different stages, you cannot find happiness in your marriage. Spoiler: It’s never easy, butcanTo be happier, please embrace the moment you come in and try your best to drive you out of the park.
I think one of the most serious marital killers is busyness. Sometimes we don’t realize it. We kept adding extra commitments to the schedule, and eventually the event took up all our time. We sleep at night. There is never a moment to enjoy each other. Before slowly making a commitment, carefully review all additional activities, including children and adults. Shorten your schedule to a level similar to that of the opposite sex. Intentionally take time just to be together.
Cherish each other.
Great leaders don’t do anything. They serve
As for marriage, the proverb says, “I hope you will always be intoxicated with her love.” What should we do? It takes effort. First, choose her. For example, today is Friday night. Your wife wants to watch a movie with you, but your best friend wants you to watch the game. Cherishing her means choosing her. Second, listen to her. This is not always easy. Women should talk. I want to hear from you more than anyone else. Stop fixing and listen to me. Third, share her burden. When you help manage your family, protect your family and the daily chores your family needs, you respect and cherish your wife. Great leaders don’t do anything. They serve
Voice: What positive ways do you have in terms of the marriage you want?
The question of solidarity
Get together with your family and set a schedule that will slow you down.