5 Ways To Apologize To Your Wife

In the first seasonImprove the family,Tim plans to hold a poker and poetry night for himself and his brother-in-law Charlie, his friend Fred and his friends.Tool timeThe gay night was almost ruined because Tim’s brother-in-law and his wife Robin had a big fight on the way to Tim’s house. Tim encouraged Charlie to apologize to his wife. Fred said, “Never apologize. Admit that you are wrong. I never apologize to any woman.” Tim looked at him and said, “Freddy, how many times have you been married?” “. Fred replied. “Three people. I can’t find a woman who knows me.”

although this scene is exaggerated as a comedy, there is also a real element in it. When I have to say sorry to my wife, even after 15 years of practice, I always find it difficult. If it’s hard for you, there are five ways to apologize to your wife.

A man should choose a bride instead of pride. Look her in the eye and admit your mistakes.

1. I’m really sorry.

This is probably the most difficult point on this list. It would be insulting to admit what we did wrong. Rationalize, minimize, and even deny that we have done wrong, which may be very attractive. When we do this, we risk choosing ourselves over marriage. A man should choose a bride instead of pride. Look her in the eye and admit your mistakes. These moments, if not more than good times, also create and consolidate marriage.

2. Listen to her.

It’s hard to realize that we failed and hurt the people we love. When my wife tries to explain why what we said or did hurt them, or how our sensitivity made them feel, it makes us feel worse. Although this is difficult, in order for my wife to open her heart to us, I must be present. This will not only give her a chance to express her feelings, but also learn something she needs to know so that she can do better next time.

3. Surpass.

The greatest players always practice longer, work harder, and focus more on others in the game. We saw this last springThe final danceThis reminds me of Michael Jordan’s firm will for the whole career. For the sake of the health of marriage, our apology should follow this determination. This is not just something to say to end the quarrel, but to concentrate better and work harder to make sure things are right.

4. Check in.

After a conflict with your wife, it’s worth checking with her. It may be difficult to hear what she wants to say, but if we take it to heart, it will make you more closely connected with her. Just like in a professional evaluation, it gives you the opportunity to find out what aspects of your life have improved. These may be the difficulties you experienced in the first place. The contradiction with such a wife, our apology and future stay can provide us with a road map to a healthier and happier marriage.

Please say sorry to your wife.

although you said sorry to your wife, if you think you didn’t accept the apology, you will not be alone. This is something many of us will experience. In 2013, Gary Chapman co authoredWhen you lack guilt,He explained his apology. Chapman found that some spouses had better apologize by expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making compensation, conveying repentance or asking for forgiveness. When we find it difficult to reconcile with our wife after a quarrel, it may be worthwhile to find the other party’s main apology language. ChapmanFive Languages of LoveThis tool can help you get along better with your wife, especially after a conflict.