Three Ways To Be A Man Your Wife Can’t Refuse
As a former university professor and public school teacher, I know it is difficult to do something that has not been educated for more than 24 years. Whether you want to learn math well or want to master marriage as a husband, this is correct. You can’t grow without understanding.
When my son was 13 years old, he wanted to know how to become attractive and irresistible to women. I told him that I could not speak on behalf of all women, but if he wanted to “surpass” his own reports and find women who were incompetent like me, he just needed to remember the abbreviation H.O.t. I told him that no H.O.t man could refuse his wife.
He is very modest.
A few days ago, I read the Bible at James 4:6-8.God opposes the proud, but he favors the humble.We are not talking about using false modesty to divert the praise and flattery of others. He who cannot refuse is modest. Because he can teach. “When he did not know the answer, he admitted, and was not afraid to ask others.” He knew his wife’s heart and more loving methods, so he was modest enough to be patient with her. He also wants to learn and listen to how other experienced husbands can become better men.
When he made mistakes in his marriage, he was willing to admit his mistakes; as the first person to apologize, forgive and make amends, he put her needs before his own. He could not resist his wife because he would not allow his pride or stubborn pride to push her away. He did not hide from his wife, modestly admitted his struggle and showed his inner strength.
He is very obedient.
This is not a word accepted by most men, but it is a character characteristic that most wives cannot refuse. This shows a person’s ability to respect authority, especially the authority of God. I know that a wife is a husband who respects authority outside the house and does not abuse authority at home. Obedient people hope to come forward in times of difficulty or even unpopularity. When something goes wrong, the obedient person is responsible for it. Because as a leader, he knows it may not be his fault, but it is always his responsibility.
He did not shy away from his role as a leader; he bravely accepted it. On the contrary, he was respected by his wife and children. Because he is not an excuse, but an example. How can wives resist obedient men in loving and guiding their families?
3. He is reliable.
They say that a man can only believe words. If this is true, a reliable man can tell the truth in love, It is irresistible for women to prefer to lose the woman they love rather than lie to her. Most women believe that reliable men are endangered species. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the wife who has been cheated, betrayed or cheated by men. I learned this lesson from my first marriage. I know it may take years to build trust, but it takes a minute or an instant to break it.
A trustworthy man will not hide, avoid, isolate or keep secrets from his wife.
A trustworthy man will not hide, avoid, isolate or keep secrets from his wife. If you want your wife to be unable to resist, you can believe: choose to be open rather than cheat; heart is more real than sadness. And share secrets. I know that when a woman is looking for the “right person”, you may not often hear modest, obedient and trustworthy things; but trust me, when it comes to marriage, these personality traits are usually the most importantinvalidIn marriageafterDivorce. Divorce.