Six Things You Don’t Know Can Cause A Decrease In Sexual Desire

What happens when you and your spouse fall in love and become a part of your daily life, and you think it is a small thing? If the last thing you want to do after a long day is to mess with your spouse in bed, you are not crazy. Many women have low sexual desire. Women often say that their sexual desire changes with age, menstrual cycle and certain drugs. But if nothing seems to be wrong, do you still dislike it?

For men, low sexual desire is easier to be found. For men over 40, erectile dysfunction seems to be the obvious answer. But for women, most of the time, it is not a physical problem, but a source of emotional stress. If it is difficult to get into love for unknown reasons, the next few things may secretly reduce sexual desire.

1. Insufficient sleep

True exhaustion does not always occur at 2pm when you are depressed or ready to go to bed. It can be hidden in other ways, including the loss of sexual impulse. Insufficient sleep(when people often wake up in the evening or REM cycle is not deep, and other instable sleep), the body does not have enough energy to have intense sex at 6 o’clock in the morning for exercise, daily work, cooking, and bachelors. That won’t happen! Start by setting bedtime and stick to it. If you know what I mean, don’t be afraid to skip your morning exercises sometimes and burn your calories in other ways.

2. You have no relationship with your spouse

Most of us don’t think our relationship with other important people is weakening. Does this mean we are no longer in love? Not exactly. You and your partner may not be emotionally or physically connected. This may not be related to the strength of your relationship. It’s easy to miss a connection. You are interested in trying new things, but they do not; you fall into a quarrel, but never really solve it; you are afraid to talk to your spouse about the next step. This must not be a big deal. Losing touch can be quick and easy, and you won’t even notice it happens. If they can’t be fully connected in one way or another, the flame will disappear, and sexual desire will become the first place to be hit.

Fortunately, if you know where to go, the lost connection can be easily repaired. Do you communicate effectively with your spouse? Do you think your two requirements have been met? Is there something you haven’t said to the other party? Communication encourages being frank and fluent about what is happening and how you want to change when combined with active listening.

3. Your food

Bad food with processed food and sugar will drag you down like lack of sleep. I’m not saying you should completely change your eating habits. Trust us. When we said there would never be a good night of cheese and wine. But all the foods that are naturally added to your body’s energy will greatly help to increase your sexual desire.

In addition, if you are dealing with stomach, intestine or digestive problems, it will also help to find balanced foods that do not induce food. When your body is fighting inflammation and your stomach is uncomfortable, sex is the last thing you want to do. Our editor also tried all 30 and intermittent fasting to alleviate the above problems.

4. Days

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., you have more influence on your sex life than you think. When entering the apartment at night, the working pressure will not stop. If you often work at night and on weekends, sex may become an afterthought. When you need the most rest time after work is to watch your favorite program unconsciously, who is willing to spend time making love? Our work always reminds people of the future. We always plan and plan things and keep our future goals in mind. On the other hand, sex generally requires us to think about the present. Don’t expect to wake up or get excited when coming home from work. To meet and seduce a spouse, you must be there. If things keep you in a state of stress, worry and confusion about future thinking, sex may not seem to be a priority, or it may seem like an extra job beyond what you are already dealing with.

5. Alcohol

Many of us think that drinking a glass of wine at dinner will improve our mood, but alcohol will also have the opposite effect. As they taught you in D.A.R.E., alcohol is a tranquilizer. This means making your feelings dull, calming them down, and having the same effect on your sexuality. Alcohol can give you confidence to ask the guy’s phone number or send him the booty phone number.(But don’t text your ex just for the opposite sex of your boyfriend.) But when it comes to expression, things may be a little confusing, embarrassing and satisfying. Alcohol can cause vaginal dehydration, resulting in dryness, decreased sexual pleasure, pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, and inability to reach orgasm.

6. Negative sexual experience

If you and your spouse have been having a bad time in bed recently(that is, they are definitely not – I am again, definitely not – never let you off), you may not be so excited and go directly with them or even others. Sex is a behavior full of many complex emotions, so when we experience negative emotions, we tend to associate such negative emotions with sex completely. If you’ve heard of odor recognition, it’s basically the same idea. Does Mark Jacobs Daisy perfume remind you of the high school reunion dance? Well, having sex with someone(even a new person) will remind you of a time when your spouse is unnecessarily aggressive or unable to maintain sexual desire.

To overcome this negative thought, talk openly about your feelings with your spouse. It may help you to accept what is happening, or it may be easy to think that your mind can be refreshed. Talking to friends or trusted people is also a good way to alleviate this idea. Although it looks uncomfortable now, it can also be viewed from a new perspective if it is taken out of the mind.

Obviously, a history of sexual or physical abuse also reduces sexual desire. If you are a survivor of abuse, you can explain to your spouse in a vulnerable way that sexual behavior is inconvenient for you or triggers sexual behavior. If you’re not ready, you don’t have to tell them everything, but expressing your reservations openly may help you separate negative emotions from your sex life. Support groups and treatment also help a lot in this regard.