The Cruel Reason Why You Are Still Single

This is a happy settler. One goes out with new friends every weekend. A guy shakes from partner to partner like a desperate spider monkey. Then you.

Many men are single and satisfied(even for scientific reasons), but you don’t include yourself in their ranks. In fact, you are suffering from this. As the vacation approaches, you have been preparing for painful memories of loneliness all season.

Let’s get down to business. You want to know why you don’t want to be single. So put on your sweatpants and get a box of tissues and a pint of ice cream. Let’s tell you frankly how to enrich your life.

Don’t you stick to the old flame.

They broke your heart into a million pieces for you to pick up. But for some inexplicable reason, you are still passing the torch for them, which ignites your future love opportunities. You can also convince yourself that the human grenade commissioner is the perfect partner.

Or, you are fully aware of how badly your previous relationships have failed. It scares you. What you can think of is what will happen in the next relationship. You want to do something, including making yourself a bachelor forever. Don’t feel this way again.

Anyway, remember that the next date is not your ex. Leave past doubts, fears, obsessions, and spouses where they belong.

You haven’t even tried.

You may feel romantic. You are too addicted to the ideal love, and believe that it all depends on fate(or a fat baby with an arrow). You can’t find love. Love will find you. One day, when you least expect it, it will knock at your door

okay. Unless the Tinder game is supernatural, love will not come if you refuse to work for it. Who is more likely to get a date – in “Game of Thrones”, the person who drools in front of the dragon and the royal family every night, or the person who really goes out to meet people?

It is wrong not to respond positively to your love life. Desperate romantics are not the only ones who fall into the trap. If you are obsessed with superficial deal breakers or “types”, if you are paralyzed by fear of rejection, if you avoid social venues, and if you are sure that you “take away all good things”, that is also the problem.

relevant: Tinder Guide to Maximizing Success

You caused a bad shock.

Vibration is not just a popular label. Your words and deeds outline your image. If you put the shit together, that picture is Rembrandt. If you don’t have one, it’s just graffiti on the bathroom stall.

Frankly look at your impression on your date. Do you act narcissistic? Desperate negative co dependence? Lack of confidence, boring, afraid of commitment? Is it jammed by luggage? These are not “boyfriend materials”.

Remember, it’s not just what you’re saying that matters. Sometimes your body is louder than your voice. Understand and use good body language.

You haven’t grown up yet

There is a difference between a young mind and an immature one. The fraternity boys in designer suits are still fraternity boys. Although his childish antics sometimes get him out of bed, no one wants to settle down with a person who uses the Animal Home as a life handbook.

Some kinds of boys are easy to recognize. He lives in his parents’ basement. Every spare time, he “calls of duty” and leaves a message on 4chan. Or, he went to college parties with his friends every week to fight off J. Jenger Ponce until he fainted on someone else’s sofa.

Others are more subtle. They have a mature career, a mature wardrobe, a mature residence, but they have the emotional maturity of young people who are troubled by acne. They refused the plan and hardly kept their promise. They will not admit their mistakes, nor will they be responsible for their success. They want to be taken care of, but rarely provide the same TLC to partners. They are reckless, impulsive, thinking about the future or avoiding serious dialogue. They are selfish both in bed and outside. The rules of adulthood are a complete mystery to these people.

Your expectation is far from the mark.

You have humor, kindness, intelligence, health, dress up, good career, interesting hobbies, and a bright future. You know you’re a bag. So now I sleep alone. You are so confident of your greatness that you are not satisfied with anyone you meet. You won’t be bored to find out why potential partners can’t meet your superman fart standard.

Or, worse, your package is not complete. You are unhealthy, underemployed, unsanitary, bad, anti social, but still adhere to the perfect partner. You refuse to consider people who don’t have 9 or 10 points. If someone can’t see what kind of person you are, you will say that you have a problem. Truth Bomb: If you don’t have anything on your desk, you have no right to date anyone you want.

The solutions of the two solutions are the same. Learn to appreciate others’ imperfections; learn to recognize and improve yourself.

You’re a fucking friend

Sorry, friends. If you have this fatal flaw, no matter how much you drink, eat or beg, you will not be allowed to date. Bad partners will attract other bad partners and amaze the wonderful competition. Any other result is a fluke.

The first step in raising the status of a bad spouse is to admit that there is a problem. Very honestly. So far, I admit that in your relationship, you have always been a bad person or totally a bad person. Then take steps to grow.

Take good care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Find out your bad habits and improve them. Work hard and plan ahead. Be soft and close to yourself. Abandon the tendency to be selfish. Learn to communicate in a healthy way. As long as you can do it, crime will bring the greatest value to your feelings.

That’s not easy. It is a hard work to become a strong, reliable and yearning adult. But if you want to date a strong, reliable and desirable adult, you must be a person first. Is it radical?