This Service Makes It Easier For You To Control Fertility

I’m about to start: it’s 2019. Women will be able to control fertility easily

Why do we still face the pressure of directly seeing a doctor to control fertility? This is inconvenient and embarrassing for some of us. Sometimes it is impossible to see a doctor at the right time. This is not only because of the trouble of going there, but also because of the potential problems caused by the high cost and insurance.

Family planning should be provided to women who want to have family planning. In 2019, when we can deliver products and groceries within two hours, it is a bit surprising that women(or people with female reproductive system) have no simpler way to control fertility. Men can send erectile dysfunction drugs to their doorsteps, Why can’t we have birth control at home every month? Sorry, I’m very enthusiastic!

Well, the future is here. The basic principle is simple: you can order the birth control device online at an affordable price. You don’t need to go to the doctor directly, and it can be delivered to your door every month.

We are serious. It’s really easy.

She’s Yaz, Yasmin, Tri Lo Marzia 10 different contraceptive pill options are available, including common options for popular brands such as Sprintec and Lutera. When purchasing a contraceptive device through Hers, you will not buy any unheard of brand. This not only makes the service safe and reliable, but also familiar. If you like what kind of If you are not sure, she can contact you and recommend a doctor suitable for your requirements and health background.

She does not accept health insurance; but all the products are free. Her salary is $30, which is cheaper than some family planning programs offered by your medical provider.

Hers offers homosexual options for individuals who are unable to participate in work(or for other reasons) health insurance or who want to purchase birth control supplies separately with insurance providers. Her approach makes birth control a viable option, not only for those with insurance or who cannot afford other options, but for all.

Don’t you think it’s unnecessary to wind up going to the pharmacy every month to write prescriptions?

We buy birth control supplies again every month. For those of us who have used birth control products for many times, we may have been used to it. Imagine all the free space in the list of things to do and all the PTO’s that do not need to continue to see the doctor.

In addition, no judgment was made.

There is no doubt that although there are some amazing doctors and medical providers who will not make us feel uncomfortable when we just want birth control, there must be a couple who will do so. This feeling is the worst. The doctor thinks that you are evaluating your choice, especially your choice of body, which is insulting.

Like me, if we stick to the Hers brand(which is like a very simple modern design paradise), they will provide solutions to problems other than birth control. Their product line focuses on general health, including skin management, hair loss and low sexual desire.

Here she found the real problems of women’s life and created feasible and accessible solutions(not to mention beautiful packaging). We are eager to see what they have added to the arsenal! Dream of birth control patches and rings!

Please click here to try her. Make sure your birth control device is delivered directly to your door. Don’t bother.

This post was made with her, but all the opinions in it are those of the editorial committee of “All Girls”.