The Most Embarrassing Achievement Moment And 10 Coping Methods

Remember when we talked to our friends about the importance of sex? I’m not kidding. Tell your friends about your sex life(both problems and complications are the best!) although it seems very scared, it will bring this experience back to normal for all of us.

But what should we do when something strange happens? We’re talking about discomfort, embarrassment, total embarrassment. Our first idea may be to delete our social media and move to Malta. Nobody can guess Malta, can they? Some of us may hide and not mention it again. I hope both sides will forget that this happened.

Do you know what happened? This is completely normal, in fact, it is not a big deal. We listed the 10 most embarrassing moments of sex and how to deal with them without fleeing abroad.

1. They finished too fast

Remember the first time Rose and Rachel had sex, Rachel thought Rose was almost orgasming? It may be awkward, inconvenient, or a little disgusted. But trust us: this is equally embarrassing for your partner. This means there is no reason to worry.

If things end earlier than you expected, don’t be afraid to ask your spouse if they can help you. Sex is two-way, and most of the time they are happy to take you there!

2. Remove the conformal substance

You’re wearing the hottest clothes, and those Sparks are nice to you. What is a bump? Never heard of her. If you meet a man in a bar or decide to go home after a date, the weather will be sultry. We talked about Chuck and Blair warmly behind the limousine. Start undressing, “My God, I’m wearing Sparks” and jump into your brain. The same problem occurs when people around them don’t know what to do when they wear tights.

Don’t worry, I have several choices. If you are embarrassed and stiff, you can go to the bathroom to forgive nudity. It eliminates the need to take off tight underwear in front of people, which can be said to be somewhat sexy. But there is absolutely no reason to feel embarrassed about such a thing. Many women wear this underwear to be more confident. Laugh with your spouse and move on.

3. This will last forever

You reached the peak 20 minutes ago, and now your heart starts to feel like a boxing bag. With a romantic partner, it may be easier to say “OK, hurry up.”. But anyone who goes to bed is a little uncomfortable.

Ask your spouse. Does he or she want to try different postures, or does he or she want to try different postures. They may get hints that things are going a little longer than you want, or help them get things done. This is also a good way to try new things!

4. Your quality makes strange noises

All women have experienced this situation in the bedroom. If there is no you, it is because you buried it too deeply and forced yourself to forget. The vagina is a strange and terrible organ that sometimes makes strange noises. Especially when air, liquid and other body parts are inserted(puns are definitely intentional).

Maybe your spouse is not attracted by any strange sounds you make. If they are, gently remind them that this is normal and continue what they are doing.

5. When someone really farts

If your spouse does this, the first reaction may be to run away. If you do, your first instinct may be to get facial plants and live on Mars. Anyway, this situation is obviously embarrassing.

This is a normal bodily function and sometimes happens at an inappropriate time. Just laugh at yourself.(It is also possible to light candles.)

6. When they want you to stay at home, you just want to lie in your own bed

You just had a good time together. They are ready. But after that exercise, your bed was really calling your name.

You said directly that your spouse wanted to go home. You can compromise and say you will stay next time!

7. You really need to pee

You are in the heat now. It’s hot and sexy. You have a good time. I decided to interrupt you with important information, saying that your bladder is full. What happens if you stop and run to the bathroom? Will it spoil the atmosphere? You can’t pee on this white sheet, so there’s no choice. Want to wait? No, the bladder can’t wait until it comes out.

In this case, you can stop and let your body do its work. Pay attention to the highlights(they are different, remember?) The situation of women makes people feel like bedwetting. If you are confused or worried about a feeling, don’t be afraid to ask the doctor for confirmation.

8. Someone can’t wake up

Maybe you are ready to get along with this person excitedly, but your body doesn’t have the response you want. It seems that I can no longer control this emotion.

In this case, be patient with yourself and your spouse. It has nothing to do with you or them, let your spouse know that you know it. If this becomes an ongoing problem in the relationship, you both have many options, so talk to your doctor!

9. When women’s anatomy is unknown

The sex education system does not teach anyone how the vagina and vulva work. In their defense, there may be slippage, so some movement is expected. But when he missed completely(AKA chased the wrong hole below)&# x1f62e; in addition, there are not many other methods to interpret the expression;

It can be painful or it can kill your feelings, so guide your spouse to touch you where you want. You can avoid this happening again, and you can get more pleasure from sex!

If this accident becomes a pattern, it may be time to ask your spouse to sit down, remind them of your sexual limits, and discuss what you are looking for.

10. After everything is over, you will understand what you just said

It’s easy to get caught in the moment. Sex is hot and heavy, because we are sex creatures, and sometimes we will hiss crazily. Girl, there is no shame in your game! So when you lie there or take a bath afterwards, you will begin to feel embarrassed when you recall everything you said and did. Yes, girlfriend, you really said so.

Swearing is normal, very interesting! If you are worried that your spouse does not like it, please talk to them about what you want next. But they are likely to be as involved as you.

Because embarrassing moments always happen, we have to add a few words worthy of respect: when trying a new position, we do not “follow the plan”, but look at ourselves in the mirror afterwards, and eye black stains greet us. This will frighten the strongest raccoon. Worried that your neighbors/roommates/the entire community can hear your voice. When his or her family photo at the bedside is staring at you(we love people who love their family!), When you need to consider $AP Rocky to reach the last lady, instead of indulging in sex, the list can continue. Sex is a beautiful, interesting, strange, uncomfortable, embarrassing, completely normal experience. There is no reason for insecurity or embarrassment.