17 Signs Of Unromancy. This Person May Be The “Only One.”

In the classic love storyPride and prejudiceWhether they like it or not, Ross and Rachel’s plays tell us that love should be extraordinary. If we can’t sleep or eat, it always ends with “happiness from now on”.Sunshine in the eveningScarlett would make us believe that romance is not always a poem about flowers and love, nor is it a grand gesture and public statement when looking for “true love”

In reality, romantic comedy will not end with the scene of “I want”, but will continue through the bill and tax season, through the stumbling children and newborn babies to prevent a few days of sleep, through the terrible fear of health, boring daily chores, and the death of loved ones.

You chose flowers.foreverThis is not just your personal romantic comedy, but the most important interview in your life. A happy life is not only about love letters and PDAs, but also about our relationships. Here are 17 signs that the person you are with may be “he” who has nothing to do with butterflies, gorgeous gestures or romance.

1. You don’t needpretendI hope you are interested in them or they are more interested in you.

Maybe you and your spouse have many different interests. In fact, you should. Otherwise you will be bored to date others! You may not always care about their enthusiasm or love, but you know how important it is for them, so you may want to know more, or you may really want to share their love. There is no need to pretend that you don’t love Broadway musicals, or that you can’t talk about the latest fashion trends. Because I know your spouse will like everything you love and talk about everything you want to talk about.

2. Mistakes are a little… interesting

Going to the grocery store, taking medicine from the pharmacy, and cleaning the house are all part of our daily life that we must adhere to for the rest of our lives. But when you are together, there is usually inner happiness and joy in ordinary and boring tasks. Some things about your spouse, even boring people will be very interesting, ordinary people will also be excited.

3. Don’t think twice about asking them for help

Whether it’s picking you up at the airport, unblocking the drain, or giving you advice about what they need, you don’t have to consider asking your spouse for help. Just do it. You believe in their opinions, their suggestions, and they care about your wishes, without a minute’s questioning.

Source: @ Jessiebernhardt

4. They will not be asked to snub you and will clean up your mess

Maybe you went back to the clean laundry they just threw away, or when you ran out a few days ago, they bought you new cream of CVS. This is not a household matter that you two share, but a trivial matter that they do not sharehaveTo make your life easier, to make your day better.

5. Don’t worry about their reaction, share their distress, anger and doubt

There are absolutely no more deal breakers. You know you may be in a terrible relationship. I don’t think they think less of you or don’t want to be with you. You know, if you encounter any questions on the way, they will support your feelings first, and then defend themselves. You can be more honest with them than ever. Because what is more important than anything you say or do is that you have common understanding and live together.

6. You all have your own business

Whether a bachelor is with girls on Monday, taking painting classes, or going hiking several times a year, you support each other in pursuing their own interests and being alone. The time of parting will not make both of them lose their sense of security. You should think that your spouse supports your passion, not your needs. In addition, whether reviewing the latest gossip between friends or reviewing what you learned in painting class, you will be very excited to tell them when you broke up(remember the first time?).

Source: Ron Lach Pexels

7. The day they ask you every day

Perhaps one of the most important suggestions I’ve received is to be with someone who asks every day. Then wait for your day. If the first thing they do when they go home or call is, “How was your day?” Every day, you will find something good. believe me.

8. You can see them. No reason, they will make you laugh.

The best friendship is one that makes people stupid and can’t laugh for no reason, right? If you plan to spend your life with someone, that’s the best friendship you’ve ever had. I know that if you let your spouse show the stupidest self and make you laugh at nothing, then when you feel tired, bored or ordinary, you will make him laugh. Life should be about enjoyment. Make an appointment with the person who can give you the greatest happiness.

9. Body function without blinking

You should complain that you have too much traffic, or release “unexpected” body functions behind the Taco watch, so that people do not feel the end of the world. In fact, when you start doing disgusting things(real)You are attracted to each other as before. This is when you know.

10. You can talk about money openly

In addition to having important conversations with people you will spend your life with, if you can talk about such a difficult topic, it is a good sign that you can trust each other. Although nothing is more sexy than the topic of money, you can frankly share your financial past, goals and current habits(except shaving). If the two people have very similar financial values and do not experience anaphylactic shock when hearing about them, they will have a good foundation.

Source: Ron Lach Pexels

11. When you need to be summoned, they will summon you

“The One” will become the person who strives to help you live the most fulfilling, best and happy life. This means they will check your destructive habits and hold you accountable when others do not want to. They are honest with you to make you better, not to disappoint you. They will also stand beside you and encourage you. They will not make any judgments and support you when you are dealing with problems or going through difficult times.

12. PDA less than PDA-y

You don’t need to make out on the park bench like a teenager, nor do you need to post a Coke about your perfect relationship on Instagram to celebrate the anniversary every month. It is not a public PDA, but an expression of love by exchanging unexpected smiles in the room or shaking hands under the table. On social media, they do not openly express their love, touch or show their love, but openly make fun of each other, show off their achievements, or even secretly kiss or hug when they do not think anyone is watching.

Source: @ sassyredlipstick

13. Dating night is good, but it’s the happiest at home

When you can sneak out for a night, it’s fun to get dressed and go to a new or exciting place. But to be honest, if we find The One, The most interesting “date night” is to sit at home and laugh with Trader Joe’s red wine.office, talk for hours or play the same card game again. The thing that sounds boring to others is to find that you prefer gorgeous dates.

When gorgeous clothes and candlelight are intertwined, everyone will have a romantic mood. But somehow, only you two are wearing sweatpants and takeout. When you become the best night in history, you know you can do this for the rest of your life.

14. You have developed your own language, which others cannot understand

If your daily conversation is mixed with insider jokes, or you always recall the famous quotes in the movies or the moments that make you laugh to death, this person will surely make you laugh all your life. You share more than just the relationship of the same life. You share the same humor. This will change your life.

Source: @ hikarimurakami

At the worst, I wish they were there.

For most of the past love affairs, when you curl up in the toilet due to food poisoning or cry in the room due to serious fear attacks, they are probably the last people you want to appear! But if your spouse is right, you will find that you want to call when panic attacks occur or be around when you are really sick.justBecause I know they will clean up your vomit.) Maybe you are considering them as your emergency contact. You know, when something bad happens, you will feel more comforted and protected there.

16. When you are not around, you will not doubt or guess their behavior

When your friends are holding bachelor/bachelor parties in Las Vegas, you will not feel a hole in your stomach, nor will you worry about them breaking the rules; when they go home, you will be excited to listen to these interesting stories. When you are not around, you will not doubt that their kindness and beauty to you is their behavior. No matter what they do, to other women, to people they hate,haveBe as friendly as a waiter or waitress. They will treat all others with the greatest respect and enthusiasmalwaysAre you proud?

I know that no matter what mistakes you make or how bad you look, they will still equate you

In the end, you can become your most real self, and you know that is their favorite you. You may make mistakes or say unkind words, but they will still regard you as a world. You can wear leggings the next day, and do not wash your hair for four days. You know they will still look at you as you do when you wear a patterned dress. The most romantic moments in our lives often occur in the most unromantic moments, the worst moments, the difficult moments, the rude moments, the lazy moments, and the boring moments. Then God will still see you. It’s like the best of times.

Good people, bad people, acute people, fat people, messy people, messy people, anxious people, unfiltered peopleJunoThis taught me the most profound thing about love:”TThe right person still thinks the sun is shining on your butt.“ImmediatelyThat’sromantic